Welcome to landings
a safe place to engage in talking therapy.
There are times when we may feel stuck, overwhelmed or troubled. Sometimes because of life events, or what we have experienced personally; so we need a solid safe place to ‘land’, pause and discover space and healing that helps us to move on.
is a place where clients with issues such as...Abuse
emotional or physical
panic attacks & stress
grief & loss
Complex Grief & Incidents
Relationship Issues
at work or at home
...can find acceptance & understanding.
Jo Dore MBACP (Accred)
Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Supervisor of Counselling
B.A. (Hons) Counselling & Psychotherapy
PGC Supervision of Counselling & Psychotherapy
Counsellor & Psychotherapist
I am a mature Counselling and Pyschotherapies Post-Graduate and Supervisor of Counselling. Following intensive training grounded in clinical practice, I have an excellent theoretical and practical understanding of experiential person-centered therapy.
Qualified to post degree level, I am a BACP Accredited Counsellor & Psychotherapist with years of experience working as a University Counsellor and in private practice; trained to work with all areas of emotional and psychological distress in a person-centred way.
The relationship between us as client-therapist is foundational. Both experience and theory influence my understanding that the client, you, ultimately know the best way forward for yourself.
I help to unravel the distress that hinders you from reaching your potential; or work with you to discover new meanings in the face of loss, suffering or adversity.
I help to unravel the distress that hinders you from reaching your potential; or work with you to discover new meanings in the face of loss, suffering or adversity.
The theoretical framework that underpins my practice for supervising counsellors and psychotherapists integrates insights from several person-centred supervisory practitioners (Hawkins & Shohet, 2012; Page & Wosket, 2001; Shohet, 2008; Van Duerzen, 2009).
As a supervisor I am committed to providing a safe space where the fluidity of the process is safely held within a spacious encounter; to enable a quality of looking that endeavours to see things how they really are, primarily within the supervisee and the client. The aim is for a collaborative ethically-minded reflection on the therapeutic practice from both an internal and external perspective; a tentative exploration that investigates, challenges, contains and affirms.
My experience endorses that the supervisory relationship is best placed as a creative place of learning; a place where fears may be dissolved amidst a quality of connectivity that flows when attending to both the psyche and soul of the supervisee and their client.
further information & how to get in touch
Therapy sessions are normally 1 hour long and are currently offered online via a video call, or by telephone. Psychotherapy can be open ended, or time limited depending on the nature of your issue; always to suit your needs.
Individual therapy is charged per hour on a 'self-selected fee' basis; a method that allows the client to choose an appropriate fee within a set range per hourly session.
Please note 48 hours’ notice is required for cancellations, otherwise full fees may be charged.
Created by John Dore